When you move into a new apartment complex, there are a lot of changes to get used to. You have a new living space, new location, new neighbors, and a new apartment community to adjust to. It’s easy to get lost in the recent changes and focus on creating a new normal. However, it’s important to not lose sight of respecting the people and the apartment community around you. That’s why it’s important to keep respect and courtesy top of mind when moving into a new apartment. Here are a few guidelines for apartment community etiquette for renters.
Introduce Yourself to the Neighbors
First things first, you should always introduce yourself to your new neighbors when moving into a new apartment community. Most people like to know who they are going to be living next to or around. After settling in, you should try to say hello to other renters in the apartment community. Especially ones that will be near you in the building. Knowing neighbors can help ease your transition and help to build good relationships at your new home.
Keep the Noise Levels Down
When you live in close proximity to your neighbors, it’s important to be considerate of noise levels. When signing your new apartment community lease, be sure to check for any noise ordinances or curfews. It’s important to be aware of these from the very beginning so you are not breaking any rules or regulations. To keep the noise levels down, refrain from having large gatherings, especially after curfew. Also, make sure that your pets have been trained well and refrain from barking loudly.
Pick Up After Your Pets
If you are a pet owner, noise isn’t the only thing you need to keep in mind when practicing good apartment etiquette. You also have to pick up after your pet. This means making sure they are trained well to not destroy any part of your apartment. And to pick up after them when you walk them around the property.
Care For the Apartment Community
Caring for your new apartment and it’s community should be top of mind when relocating. As a new renter, you want to build a good relationship with your new community. This means taking care of the property, being friendly to the staff, and creating positive relationships with the other community members.