When people move into a new apartment, a lot of them have the same mindset of “I don’t own it, I’m just renting. So, why would I put much effort into decorating?” Even if you rent, it is still going to be your home for the duration of your lease. It’s important that you enjoy where you spend most of your time and feel at home in your own space. When renting, it’s crucial that you are well versed in the limitations of your leasing agreement. Most apartment communities will not allow you to paint, install hardware, or hang décor on the wall with nails. So before creating a décor plan, be sure you are clear on what your community’s rules are. No matter what the limitations in place are, there are still plenty of ways to feel at home if you are renting. Here are some of our favorite tips for making your new apartment feel like home.
Bring Nature Indoors
Plants are a great way to add a special touch and make your new apartment feel like home. Not only do plants promote feelings of peace and tranquility, but they also help with better air quality. In a smaller space, such as an apartment, this can be extremely beneficial. When decorating with plants, you have plenty of options to choose from such as placing them on a shelf, table, window ledge, or on the balcony.
Showcase Sentimental Items
When people think of the word home, they don’t always think of a specific place. Instead, they think of important people who feel like the meaning of home in their lives. You can make your new apartment feel like home, by making room for special tributes to these people in your life. This can include placing framed photographs throughout your space or even placing a homemade quilt that someone special made you over a chair or couch to remind you of them and to display for visitors.
Play With Accent Rugs
Another easy way to make your new apartment feel like home is to play around with accent rugs. An accent rug can really transform a boring space into an entirely new atmosphere. If you are trying to liven a space up, you can choose a rug with vibrant colors or a bold design. Or, if you are trying to make your new apartment embrace a cozier ambiance, you can even look into faux fur rugs for an added homey touch.
Get To Know the Neighborhood
Neighbors are neighbors, no matter if you own a house or are renting. A great way to make a new apartment feel like home is to get to know the neighborhood you are living in. Going out to explore the community and meet new people is a great way to feel at home in a new location. If you are living in the Elements Luther Forest community, here are a few resources to help you learn more about the neighborhood and tips on where to explore.